
In pediatrics, limited research has been conducted to understand provider utilization and perceptions of health information exchanges. This initial survey study assessed pediatric provider perceptions on HIE utilization in an ambulatory clinic. Information collected explored HIE use reasons, HIE utilized patient populations and changes in care secondary to HIE use. Providers believed HIE is primarily utilized for medically complex patients, initial visits, and to confirm labs/imaging. Pediatricians recommend HIE use and believe HIEs improve care.

Describe the new knowledge and additional skills the participant will gain after attending your presentation.: Upon attending this poster presentation, participants will gain an understanding of pediatric provider perceptions of an HIE system. By exploring provider reasons for HIE use (e.g., to confirm prior diagnoses, lab work/ imaging, or medications), the data types thought to be most important to HIE-utilizing pediatric providers will become evident. By understanding the perceived patient populations in which HIE was thought to be used (e.g., medically complex patients), the most important patient demographics for interoperability are denoted. Needed improvements in today’s HIE technology systems are also uncovered by understanding the perceptions of barriers for HIE use. All of these ideas in summation will identify the patients in which HIE access should be optimized. This study also provides new insights into pediatric provider belief patterns about improvements in patient care and satisfaction secondary to HIE use.

Currently, a retrospective chart review is being conducted of patient visits in which HIE was used by the providers surveyed above. In conjunction with the survey, this study aims to compare pediatric provider perceptions on HIE use with this technology’s actual use patterns in an ambulatory clinic setting. Ultimately, this study will illustrate whether provider beliefs are reliable for understanding utilization patterns of HIE systems.


Jonathan Elias (Presenter)
New York-Presbyterian Columbia University Medical Center

Elizabeth Mauer, Weill Cornell Medical College
Linda Gerber, New York-Presbyterian Weill Cornell Medical Center
Susan Bostwick, New York-Presbyterian Weill Cornell Medical Center

Presentation Materials:
