
This study compared field vital signs (VS), systolic blood pressure (SBP), heart rate (HR), and shock index (SI=HR/SBP) among different ages of trauma patients who were or were not transfused. With 22,880 trauma patients, pre-hospital VS were collected and processed. Patient were grouped by four age groups (18-54, 55-64, 65-74, and 75-100). In each age group, optimal thresholds for separating patients in uncrossmatched blood transfusion, massive transfusion were analyed via the receiver operating characteristic analysis.

Describe the new knowledge and additional skills the participant will gain after attending your presentation.: The attendee will learn the statistical characteristics of pre-hospital vital signs among age groups and transfusion outcome groups. Such knowledge may assist pre-hospital care providers to efficiently triage hemorrhaging patients directly to trauma centers.


Peter Hu (Presenter)
University of Maryland

Shiming Yang, University of Maryland
Yao Li, University of Maryland
Colin Mackenzie, University of Maryland
Catriona Miller, U.S. Airforce C-STAR Baltimore
Douglas Floccare, Maryland Institute for EMS Systems
Samuel Galvagno, University of Maryland
Peter Rock, University of Maryland

Presentation Materials:
